Thursday, April 16, 2009

My experiments with love

Warning: The following piece has a million repetitions of the word 'love' in it, buts its not remotely mushy other than the effect this word creates, but if ur still allergic to it, stay away!

Its been 13 yrs, my hide-n-seek with love began
It has made me laugh, cry, crave, die,
But that love - It has made me who i am
Love I heard of, love I been in and out of
Love that b and not to b, love that din let me b me

A love all divine, darling n grossly dedicated
And love absolutely illicit but as true as stated
Love lust desire and want - all around i saw....
But Love unselfish n unconditional leaves me in awe…
And there is a love-let-go-n-move-on love seeming more true!
This love I tell ya - whatever it is - it becomes ‘you’

Love i realised is total old-fashioned shit,
Its boring, dry and overrated…
The Love that made me feel hatred…
but hate then became another way to love
Love so strong that took me to my death bed
and love then saved me from the said…
funny its the same Love that spins me around
same but aint similiar, the stinkin ol’ freakin Love
that makes me feel dumb, when self-love takes over this loser!….

This love for myself that I betrayed until
A Love for the dark n bizarre, i fell
A love to hurt myself, a love to teach myself
In love with loneliness in love with emptiness
In love with love and the idea of falling in it
In love with anything that makes me forget my love

Love! Love! Love! When will u b over and done with me?
I wanna look around and there’s nothing else I can see
Love for money love for the poor,..
Love for crime love for justice
Love for control love for freedom…
Love for the sake, love per se…

Love, i had to write her off my life
Love, that cuts like a knife
Love, my inseparable insatiable wife!

With all the love from deep inside me, I brought strength
With all the love for my life, I lived again
With all the love I had for her, I took her hand for help
With all the love I had for him, I trusted to wait
With all the love, all the love, all the love for love
I fed her own medicine to her.. so Love, ur all I see now,
Blinding every other thought, faith or feelings…
Am love-numb, am love-cuffed, am love-blind
Yes am a proud useless wasted classic love-fool….

Am living Love
Anything else u hear, read or see is just material illusions of u mortals…


Renu said...

dont understand the poetry much:(

Nautankey said...

toooo good :) loved the 3rd stanza

Sugar said...

just to say.. i was here :)

the blogger formerly known as sansmerci said...


don worry, its jus some whining about the story of ma life, n if u don understd it only shows u've been lucky in life!

me too :D

welcome bak...

the blogger formerly known as sansmerci said...


i came up with a simple explanation to the song c it makes sense to u

love made me weak, love made me strong
love tied me up, love set me free
love let me love, love let me hate
love brought me company, love left me all-alone
love made me laugh love made me cry
love that brought me to the world
love m sure will take my life one day....

Pointblank said...

AWESOME!!!!! Its very deep. I'm gonna come back read it again swar!!! And i loved ur explanation in the comment box as well.

Anonymous said...

love is sweet
also a little sour
but it lovely to be
in love all the while :-)

good one sweety :-)

swarbrat said...

thnks neetu and tess :) writing poetry after long time.. and almost the first time wen m not depressed!

Praveen Kumar said...

With all the love from deep inside me, I brought strength
With all the love for my life, I lived again
With all the love I had for her, I took her hand for help
With all the love I had for him, I trusted to wait
With all the love, all the love, all the love for love

beautiful lines :)

Renu said...

Swarna..I am waiting for some very haapy excited post about ur married life and days:)......write something about the mundane things, forget those serious thoughts now:)

the blogger formerly known as sansmerci said...

thnks praveen

renu i jus wrote a post (2 posts b4 this)... on that rite?

Nautankey said...

Hi swarna,
There is a tag at my place..plz do take it up if you find it interesting :)

Kelvy said...

swar, love sure is sweet and sour, biiter and happy and its a mixed thing....i loved the explanation u gave to renu too :)

the blogger formerly known as sansmerci said...

vinodh i ve lota tags pending will take up as soon as i set up my home n then my comp which m hopin to do b4 month end

thnks kel m glad u liked it :)

Nautankey said...

sure sure...take ur time and all the best for setting up the home-expecting a post on that :D.. haan set right that cranky keyboard too :)

Blindwreck said...

"Love that b and not to b, love that din let me b me" - awesome lines baby! nice poem after a long long long time i see!! precisely the love that reflects a bit of mine too :) loved it :D

the blogger formerly known as sansmerci said...


i ve a brand new comp at home.. not to worry.. its jus waiting to find a home jus like me :D


thanks baby i guess love is universally the same :) so applies to almost everyone

Anonymous said...

hey i know its been a while since i went through ur blog :)
sorry abt that any ways nice poem guess u got back to writing poems uh ??

Avymom said...

Neat and deep! Been missing your blog, glad I found it again!